object(stdClass)#252 (37) { ["ass_id"]=> string(8) "78018587" ["ass_url"]=> string(17) "the-animal-within" ["IsSeries"]=> string(1) "1" ["ass_bg"]=> string(33) "2021-11-17-00-ab-animalwithin.jpg" ["Title"]=> string(17) "The Animal Within" ["Synopsis"]=> string(451) "Nature has manufactured the perfect machines. Eons of beta testing has gone into them: animal versus animal, versus element, and even alongside humans. In the end, only the fastest, toughest, and most cunning creatures have endured. What's under the hood of these incredible critters? What does it take to make them top performers, and, even more exciting; what can we learn to make us better, from these creatures who've been perfected over the ages?" ["ass_epgtext"]=> string(217) "Each species has undergone eons of beta testing: animal vs animal, animal vs element, and even animal vs human. Take a peek under the 'hood' of these incredible critters. What does it take to make them top performers?" ["Director"]=> NULL ["Cast"]=> string(16) " Mia Fothergill " ["Rating"]=> string(2) "PG" ["Vchip"]=> string(2) "PG" ["Duration"]=> string(2) "44" ["Year"]=> string(4) "2021" ["Country"]=> string(6) "Canada" ["Language"]=> string(7) "English" ["Captioned"]=> string(1) "1" ["Described"]=> string(1) "0" ["asset_url"]=> string(17) "the-animal-within" ["Genres"]=> string(11) "Documentary" ["GenreID"]=> string(8) "13600454" ["ChanID"]=> string(8) "78567550" ["IsSVOD"]=> NULL ["IsBroadband"]=> NULL ["IsMobile"]=> NULL ["DoveSealid"]=> string(1) "0" ["DoveReview"]=> string(0) "" ["DoveSeal"]=> NULL ["VODOpen"]=> NULL ["VODClose"]=> NULL ["Comment"]=> NULL ["VidComment"]=> NULL ["vim_vid_id"]=> string(7) "3229048" ["vim_type"]=> string(7) "trailer" ["vim_ass_id"]=> string(8) "78018587" ["superpick"]=> NULL ["curseason"]=> string(1) "1" ["TotalNumberOfSeasons"]=> string(1) "1" }
Each species has undergone eons of beta testing: animal vs animal, animal vs element, and even animal vs human. Take a peek under the 'hood' of these incredible critters. What does it take to make them top performers?
S1 E1 Feb 07 @ 8:15AM
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