object(stdClass)#252 (37) { ["ass_id"]=> string(8) "78375355" ["ass_url"]=> string(9) "royal-mob" ["IsSeries"]=> string(1) "1" ["ass_bg"]=> string(29) "2023-09-11-47-ab-royalmob.jpg" ["Title"]=> string(9) "Royal Mob" ["Synopsis"]=> string(344) "'Royal Mob' was the term Queen Victoria used to describe her huge, extended family, comprised of 9 children, 42 grandchildren, and 87 great-grandchildren. Through the eyes of her four favourite granddaughters, the beautiful and strong-willed Hesse sisters, Royal Mob reveals the family rivalries that led to the outbreak of the First World War." ["ass_epgtext"]=> string(228) "'Royal Mob' was the term Queen Victoria used to describe her huge, extended family. Through the eyes of her four favourite granddaughters, Royal Mob reveals the family rivalries that led to the outbreak of the First World War..." ["Director"]=> NULL ["Cast"]=> string(116) " Michele Dotrice , Josie Dunn , Mark Edel-Hunt , Eleanor Jackson , Phoebe Marshall , Evan Milton , Kat Ronney " ["Rating"]=> string(3) "14A" ["Vchip"]=> string(3) "14+" ["Duration"]=> string(2) "60" ["Year"]=> string(4) "2022" ["Country"]=> string(14) "United Kingdom" ["Language"]=> string(7) "English" ["Captioned"]=> string(1) "1" ["Described"]=> string(1) "0" ["asset_url"]=> string(9) "royal-mob" ["Genres"]=> string(19) "Drama | Documentary" ["GenreID"]=> string(19) "13600436 | 13600454" ["ChanID"]=> string(8) "74038967" ["IsSVOD"]=> NULL ["IsBroadband"]=> NULL ["IsMobile"]=> NULL ["DoveSealid"]=> string(1) "0" ["DoveReview"]=> string(0) "" ["DoveSeal"]=> NULL ["VODOpen"]=> NULL ["VODClose"]=> NULL ["Comment"]=> NULL ["VidComment"]=> NULL ["vim_vid_id"]=> string(7) "3229071" ["vim_type"]=> string(7) "trailer" ["vim_ass_id"]=> string(8) "78375355" ["superpick"]=> NULL ["curseason"]=> string(1) "1" ["TotalNumberOfSeasons"]=> string(1) "1" }
'Royal Mob' was the term Queen Victoria used to describe her huge, extended family. Through the eyes of her four favourite granddaughters, Royal Mob reveals the family rivalries that led to the outbreak of the First World War...
S1 E1 Feb 05 @ 7:30AM
S1 E1 Feb 05 @ 1:35PM
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