object(stdClass)#252 (37) { ["ass_id"]=> string(8) "78467860" ["ass_url"]=> string(19) "secret-nazi-science" ["IsSeries"]=> string(1) "1" ["ass_bg"]=> string(38) "2024-03-06-23-ab-secretnaziscience.jpg" ["Title"]=> string(19) "Secret Nazi Science" ["Synopsis"]=> string(513) "When the war ends in 1945, the Allies and Soviets sweep across former Nazi territory, freeing Europe from the evil clutches of the Axis. And as the threat of the Nazis recedes, it leaves behind strange artefacts of a dark science geared towards world domination, morbid experiments in biology and genetic engineering, weapons to unleash chaos, world firsts and bests, all geared towards fomenting Nazi supremacy. How was science being mobilized for dark purposes? What secret Nazi science remains to be uncovered?" ["ass_epgtext"]=> string(245) "When the war ends in 1945, the Allies and Soviets sweep across former Nazi territory, freeing Europe from the clutches of the Axis. As the threat of the Nazis recedes, it leaves behind artefacts of a dark science geared towards world domination." ["Director"]=> NULL ["Cast"]=> string(18) " Andrew McPherson " ["Rating"]=> string(3) "14A" ["Vchip"]=> string(3) "14+" ["Duration"]=> string(2) "44" ["Year"]=> string(4) "2024" ["Country"]=> string(6) "Canada" ["Language"]=> string(7) "English" ["Captioned"]=> string(1) "1" ["Described"]=> string(1) "0" ["asset_url"]=> string(19) "secret-nazi-science" ["Genres"]=> string(11) "Documentary" ["GenreID"]=> string(8) "13600454" ["ChanID"]=> string(8) "78567550" ["IsSVOD"]=> NULL ["IsBroadband"]=> NULL ["IsMobile"]=> NULL ["DoveSealid"]=> string(1) "0" ["DoveReview"]=> string(0) "" ["DoveSeal"]=> NULL ["VODOpen"]=> NULL ["VODClose"]=> NULL ["Comment"]=> NULL ["VidComment"]=> NULL ["vim_vid_id"]=> string(7) "3229080" ["vim_type"]=> string(7) "trailer" ["vim_ass_id"]=> string(8) "78467860" ["superpick"]=> NULL ["curseason"]=> string(1) "1" ["TotalNumberOfSeasons"]=> string(1) "1" }
When the war ends in 1945, the Allies and Soviets sweep across former Nazi territory, freeing Europe from the clutches of the Axis. As the threat of the Nazis recedes, it leaves behind artefacts of a dark science geared towards world domination.
S1 E1 Jan 14 @ 10:15AM
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